Thursday, November 01, 2007

Late night NaNo

Well, it's officially November 1st, and at midnight I was free to start working on my NaNoWriMo novel. I didn't start til later and kind of putzed around with it til I got going, but I did finally get going. So far I've written 583 words, which is 1084 words short of my daily minimum (1667 words * 30 days = ~50k words) and only about 1.2% of the monthly goal...but it's 5 a.m. on November 1st. I'm going to get some rest and start up again when I wake up so I can write something coherent. I'm pretty damn happy with how well it's going so far...I've got ideas up the wazoo and I'm already seeing interesting plot twists on the horizon and some character development, and I'm only a single-spaced page in. Look forward to more good news...but I think to save time I'll mostly use my Pownce blog (linked on the top right) for NaNoWriMo news on my front.