Saturday, July 05, 2008

Well, don't I feel like the jackass. I didn't bother to leave you folks a post here on Independence Day to fill you with love of country and appreciation for our bountiful gifts, but that's not to suggest I wasn't feeling it. Especially when I saw this picture. This was the first thing I saw when I woke up yesterday (courtesy of, and damned if it didn't fill me with 4th of July spirit right off the bat. Bob and I agree: we're not big on people wearing flags, but Jessica Simpson is sort of our nation's prize hotty, so this time we'll let it slide. Next time, though, she'll have to take it off. I'll even forgive the peace sign, because I know she's probably spent about as much time in Iraq as I have, entertaining the troops in a way only a girl of her looks and charm could.

Rather than spending my Independence Day posting here, I went with Bob down to our coworker Jimmy's house in Vienna. We discharged a multitude of firearms throughout the day, including my first two revolvers and Bob's cherry Browning pump shotgun, we drank beer, ate grilled meat and drank home-brewed wine. Then we went to Harrah's casino in Metropolis (home of Superman!) and I lost $23 while trying to win back $3. This just speaks to my fear of growing much stupider since high school. Anyways, short of watching fireworks and military parades (or sticking it to the terrorists like I was doing a few years ago on the Fourth), this was about the most American behavior I could hope for.

If you couldn't tell, Independence Day is my favorite holiday by leaps and bounds (though scantily-clad women make a strong argument for Halloween as second place). In all seriousness, I hope you all had a meaningful and inspiring Fourth, and I wish I could've been around to spend it with you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


That sounds like an excellent way to spend the 4th of July! I wish I could have been discharging a multitude of firearms, eating grilled meat, and drinking beer right along with you. As a matter of fact, I haven't discharged a firearm since we were trapshooting last year. If you ever make it home, maybe we can partake of those activities together.


July 05, 2008 4:41 PM  
Blogger Roger W. said...

Karnolt emailed me today and mentioned an article he found about my company while we were in Iraq. I had no idea they'd interviewed anyone, even though Cpl. Hamilton was in my platoon and lived in the room next to me. Just thought it was interesting.

July 06, 2008 2:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Roger, sounds strangely familiar to my fourth also. Ben and I took to celebrating the 2nd amendment all afternoon, so much so that we scared the owner of the white house into having two lee county sheriffs show up at my house. This was quite entertaining as they looked pretty bored and quite interested in the firearms we were firing, so Ben asked them if they wanted to shoot with us. Seeing that we had legal foid cards and such, they said, 'well looks like you guys are having fun, carry on.' With that, we went right back on shooting. I love this country.

July 08, 2008 7:36 AM  
Blogger Roger W. said...

That's a good story, Ryan, and I get the same reaction from it. I especially love that Ben asked if they wanted to shoot with you. It only would have been a better story if they would have accepted. Heh.

July 08, 2008 12:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The owner of the White House probably would have crapped his pants if he heard more gunfire before the sheriffs were to come down and tell him that it was ok. He'd probably think we were having a shootout.

July 08, 2008 12:59 PM  
Blogger sarita said...

dear roger,

i am getting sick of looking at jessica simpson. not that she's not hot, i'm just saying... your loving amiga,


April 02, 2009 10:01 PM  
Blogger sarita said...

seriously, i´m gonna give up on reading this...

July 21, 2009 8:47 PM  
Anonymous Alex said...

I'm with Sarah....

January 25, 2010 9:07 PM  

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