Monday, December 31, 2007

Fifth Column

I've been slowly reading through The Futurist for all its insight, and have come to an interesting article about fifth columnists. I read through his first example (at Daily Kos, who Forbes listed as third of the top 25 most influential internet personalities) and it was frightening, maddening, and disgusting. Its only value is in its honesty, and the unshakable evidence it provides from a leading leftist who admits to hating America. His reasoning, as I said, is maddening, and when I tried to think of how you could reach a person like this in argument I came up with nothing. I then read The Futurist's advice on how to debate a person like this, and I'm not satisfied at all with his advice either. It's because I do not think there is any way to reason with someone like that. Someone so disconnected from reality, who clearly has so little desire to understand truth, who is completely devoid of honor, cannot be reasoned with. There is no Truth to a person like this, except his belief in nothing, which is to say his loyalty to the destruction of everything. These people are part of Dad's 90% (or higher), the percentage of the population who I will never understand, never agree with, whose values I will never share and who I will never befriend and will never want to. Hopefully, they make up an extremely small amount of that 90%.

Anyways, enjoy your New Year's Eve and have a happy New Year!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I won't be following any links to Daily Kos, because I refuse to help boost the number of hits to that moronic site. One of the things that really disgusts me about Markos Moulitsas is that he graduated from my alma mater, NIU. He and I definitely have nothing in common other than that. That guy deserves a punch in the nose.


January 01, 2008 6:31 AM  

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