Friday, January 18, 2008

Political education at University of Delaware

I don't know if this made the news or not. I don't think so, but I haven't been much a newshound for awhile. I just read an article called "Brave Newark World" from Halloween of last year written by Dr. Mike Adams about a re-education program the University of Delaware had started in its residence halls. It's chilling. Fortunately, there is Supreme Court precedence here and thanks to Dr. Adams' readers and a general community response the university revoked that initiative within five days of the article being published. Essentially, UD required the students in their residence halls to attend meetings (UD called them "treatments") with their RAs who had been trained in "diversity facilitation" and who would then conduct diversity training and ask the students invasive questions pertaining to their sexuality and experiences in "oppression". I urge you to read Dr. Adams' article. It's extremely important to recognize that things like this happen in America, so we have the vigilance to stop such things from happening again.

It's unbelievable to me that enough college administrators with such Orwellian agendas can get together and force these kinds of things down the throats of young and impressionable college people. If you read the quotes that Adams provides, these people weren't trying to just show their students that "underpriveleged" people exist in the world, nor were they simply advocating responsible recognition that racism is a problem. This is a systematic brainwashing of impressionable young people by the authorities they pay to teach them, people who hold economic power over them by virtue of their owning and being in control of the places the students live in, and who control these people's very livelihood as students. This disgusts me. "There, he is taught that '[a] racist is one who is both privileged and socialized on the basis of race by a white supremacist (racist) system. The term applies to all white people (i.e., people of European descent) living in the United States, regardless of class, gender, religion, culture or sexuality.'” They're taught that racism is a uniquely white thing? How racist is that? These people should be put into prison. This is a state school. The people enacting these policies are unelected government officials, imposing strict partisan dogma on every student who is paying to live in their dorms. This terrifies me.

I know I don't have many readers (to my knowledge, Dad and occasionally Ryan). But if you happen upon this blog and you're a college student, please visit the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education and have them send you (for free!) their guides, especially if you're in a student group of any kind. I had them sent to me when I was vice president of the College Republicans and president of my fraternity, and though we had no occasion to use them (thank God), they are indispensable for what they tell you about your rights as a student, especially in situations like this. Again, they will send you their guides at no expense to you, and if you find yourself in such a situation you can get in touch with them (their site makes this easy) and there is a good chance they will provide you with legal representation and publicity to make this kind of damn thing stop.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read Dr. Adams column about that when he first wrote it. You're right, it's unbelievable what some of these leftist college administrators(and the left as a whole)will resort to under the holy mantra of diversity. It is really laughable, because there is no real diversity of thought in the left at all. They all believe the same thing, and will rigidly oppose and censor any deviation from their ideology.

I always grimace when I hear a liberal like Obama talk about how he will restore bipartisanship in Washington. What any liberal means by that is the Republicans will meekly fall into line with whatever the Democrats oppose. Bipartisanship means one-party rule to them.

January 19, 2008 7:07 AM  

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