Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Well, MCT was not that fun. Granted, shooting machine guns and grenade launchers and throwing hand grenades is pretty cool, but after being spoiled by southern California's beautiful weather, the cold, wind, and rain of the North Carolina winter is bad enough to make the experience drag. Add in being treated like we're straight out of boot (like many of us were, but not me), and it got pretty tedious.

On the other hand, I learned to love MREs (meals ready to eat), and I truly appreciate every moment of sleep. Also, the training was definitely high speed, particularly things like the urban combat training and combat marksmanship drills, which are basically new, and, I'm told, particular to the Marine Corps, meaning your standard Army grunt's not going to get nearly the training I got. I'm told that in terms of combat training, regular Army infantry is about on par with Marines non-infantry, and in some ways not even close. Then again, I'm hearing that from some pretty biased people. Still, I prefer to believe it. Is it true that there's actually a ribbon in the Army for throwing a hand grenade? Because every Marine has thrown one. Let me know. (Oorah)

I made some pretty good buddies at MCT, including one who is a conservative libertarian poli sci major and into the same cigars I'm into. Good stuff. I was a fire team leader, and my fire team of five was (according to my lofty assumptions) far superior to all the other fire teams in our platoon of 97 in wit, intelligence, capability, and professionality. I can't remember exactly, but our average ASVAB percentile score was around 87, which is extremely high. I guess my being a genius didn't hurt that, but my capacity for modesty certainly didn't help, either.

I'm headed back for 29 Palms, or something. That's a huge runaround right now. As of tonight, we're either headed for 29 Palms, CA or Alameda, CA (near Oakland), though I also heard something about some awful Camp Wilson or some such. Lord knows. Not that it matters much to me; I just want out of North Carolina as soon as I can hop on any plane. I used to hate California because it is full of hippies, but when I realized how easy it is to ignore ignorance (especially in favor of eternally gorgeous weather), I learned to love it. Or at least Southern California, far removed from the evils of Berkeley and San Fran.

Point is, I'm heading back to my unit briefly to continue training with them until I get orders for communications school to learn to be a field radio operator, which will greatly assist me in my job as a prison guard in Iraq. I hope to spend just a little time there to catch up with my brother desolation angels before I pick up at comm school. Then by the time I finish with comm school, my unit should be in or near Iraq and there shouldn't be a problem catching back up with them, supposedly, so everything should be in order. Man, there's a lot of jumping through hoops just to head over to the Sandbox and do some hookin and jabbin, in the form of treating detainees with dignity and respect (blech). Some days I wish I'd gone straight infantry.

By the way, a lot of folks hear Marines and think of boot camp at Parris Island. Well, I'm here to tell you that PI must train a bunch of nasty pigs, because the San Diego-trained Marines seemed to be about the only locked-on devil dogs around. The heinous boots straight out of PI couldn't make a formation if their lives depended on it and certainly couldn't all shut up for more than five seconds. I'm a lot prouder to be a Hollywood Marine.

One thing I should mention, after bashing MCT so much, is that my instructors, while stern and impersonal, were outstanding and I really enjoyed them. Something about Marines being unapproachable and unyielding makes me appreciate it that much more when I see beneath the exterior to their real intentions, which are noble and selfless, and when we Iraq-bound Reservists were leaving today, they all treated us with great respect and well-wishing. I love Marines.

I really need sleep. I haven't gotten much in the last three weeks, and certainly not in anything resembling a bed. I should be updating with slightly more frequency in the days to come.

Romeo Kilo Whisky out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First!...ha! I hope this doesn't show up twice. Thought I did everything right the first time, but my message didn't show up. So, what is the prize for be back in contact with you! Love you and stay safe!!

February 07, 2006 7:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to here from you again son. I don't know how fast it will catch up to you, but there is some snail mail waiting for you at your 29 Palms address. Enjoy the California weather before you go to the sand box!
Love, Dad

February 07, 2006 8:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Rog,
I just read your blog; you write so well! You are so lucky to have found something that makes you feel so much like you have a purpose in life! Many people go all their lives without finding that kind of fulfillment in life. Although I am praying for your safety every day, I couldn't be more proud of you than I am now. By the way, we got your name put on the active duty prayer list at St. Pat's last week, so you should have lots of prayers. Take care of yourself and see you soon!
Love, Sarah

February 07, 2006 8:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear you survived MCT and got to meet more good people. It sounds like the weather was crap, though. I can totally empathize with your thoughts on California; the people are a bit out there, but the weather is to die for! I hope the next stage of your training (wherever it may be) goes well. Take care of yourself!

Your Favorite Brother

February 07, 2006 8:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I think part of my first comment attempt and part of my second were combined. I DID preview the second before posting, and it was correct. It appears that I am computer illiterate! So...what is the prize for being first, and it is great being able to be in contact with you once again! Love you!

February 07, 2006 8:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roger! So glad you finally got some internet access! It was great to talk to you on Saturday I'm glad things are going well for you.
When you have an address let me know and we'll send some mail out your way.
Love ya!

February 07, 2006 8:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roger, I'm glad you updated your blog. I suppose that's about it.

Talk to you later.

February 08, 2006 12:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Probably things have changed. Opa went to Parris Island. He also said that PI was originally intended to be a penal colony, but the judiciary said it would be cruel and unusual punishment to keep prisoners there. So the Marines took it over.

We are glad you have Internet access, and appreciate your postings.

And "mom" you get bragging rights for being first to post. Congratulations.

Be careful out there.

February 10, 2006 12:07 PM  
Blogger Roger W. said...

Mr. Lethal Weapon,
What you said about Parris Island is true, and I'm sure they used to be very gung-ho, and probably still are about as much as they can be, but being a "Hollywood Marine" myself, I have to exaggerate and bad talk the PI Marines, especially when I see so many who are disgustingly heinous. To be fair, I imagine I'd have acted similarly straight out of boot. Well, probably not.

February 10, 2006 9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Marine!
My son, Ross, is at MCT, Ca. right now. He graduated boot 3/3/06 and I am one proud Mom! I ran across your blogg searching for MCT facts on the internet, and appreciate your site and posts.

Ross is a reservist too, but plans to go active after his MOS training - AAV repairman.

Just want to say THANK YOU for your service to our country.

March 19, 2006 7:33 AM  

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