Sunday, January 15, 2006

MCT at Camp Lejeune?!

Ten minutes of battery life!

I'm at the airport in Charlotte, NC right now. It's 0645 local time here, and my plane leaves in 45 minutes for Jacksonville, NC, after which point we're driving to Camp Lejeune, NC for Marine Combat Training (MCT) for three weeks. So I'll be out of contact for quite a bit longer (I don't know what wasn't working with my internet for the past week, but it's been driving me nuts). Sorry, Mr. Tedrick.

After 07 Feb I'm heading back to Cali, specifically to Alameda, CA, close to Oakland and San Fran, also known as godless bastions of liberalism. Yay. I bet it'll be fun to be a Marine in the center of America-hating Northern California. Hopefully I won't be there for too long, because as soon as I leave there I'll be back at Twentynine Palms at comm school, about a mile away from my unit, and if I can get through comm school soon enough I won't have any trouble staying with my unit.

Not much new to report, besides I ran into my boot camp buddy Walcott at morning chow, which was terrific. Then I left for a month or so so I'm hoping he's still around when I get back to the Palms. He's heading over around March too, so we'll see.

Anyways, battery's almost out. I'll be away for quite some time, but I'll update as soon as I can.


Well, we got into Jacksonville, NC, around 7:30 this morning or something, and the cab drivers told us the base was closed so we couldn't check in today, so we went to a hotel instead. At this hotel is free wireless internet, so I now have time to update more thoroughly.

Friday morning we had a formation so "the General" could talk to us. That general turned out to be Major General O'Dell, commanding general of the 4th Marine Division. That was pretty cool. See, there are four divisions in the Marine Corps, the 4th being the Reserves division, and that means he's the commanding officer for a fourth or more of the Marines in the Marine Corps. Pretty much a badass.

Hmm, what else...the Bears game is on in an hour and a half. Most of these guys are Bears fans, specifically my roommate, who appears to be a fanatic, so I'm watching it too. Also, there's a Hooters a block or two away from the hotel, so that's where I'm going to be watching it. Sweet...

Pretty much everyone in my platoon has a PSP (one of the portable Sony Playstation handheld thingies, for you geriatrics), and they're pretty swell so I'm thinking about picking one up after I get out of MCT. I'm just not sure if I want to spend money on something big like that, since I'm banking on getting a new(er) car upon my return to the real world. But, it's only $250 and it has wireless internet capabilities and functions as a video player, and they sell almost all new movies in PSP format, often for cheaper than DVDs, so it might be a worthwhile investment. We'll see.

I can't come up with a whole lot else worth mentioning right now, other than that I've been coming up with a few decent ideas for the story I've been working on for awhile. The problem is I hardly ever have time to develop those ideas into something good, and whenever I feel like I've got enough to start actually writing, all those ideas count for naught when I'm unhappy with my writing style, or lack thereof.

Anyways, I've got stuff I can pretend to be doing so I don't have to keep writing this post. Out.

Friday, January 06, 2006


Having been mobilized, I decided to take one out of the pages of Teddy Wisdom and create a blog for my friends and family to read. Hope it's not misguided. Mrs. Teddy said I should (I think...I was drunk), and I do what Mrs. Teddy says, as a rule.

Well, it's now the fifth of January. I've been mobilized since the first, in Camp Pendleton, CA, since the second, and will be heading to 29 Palms, CA, on the twelfth. I'm with 4th PLT Btry A 1/14 (long story) right now, and crossing my fingers that it stays that way. We've been doing a lot of Arabic language training and prison guard training, which has been mildly engaging at least. The Marines I'm with are outstanding.

Soon I'll be in 29 Palms for ILOC (intermediate location training) with the unit, awaiting a spot in my job (communications) school. If I get a spot soon enough then I can stay with my unit after I'm finished, which is good. If not, then at least I won't have to just sit around doing working parties, as I'll head back to my unit and do real training with them in the meantime.

I have to be a buddy for someone who wants to make a head call, so I'm out.

Semper Fidelis,