Thursday, May 04, 2006


That's where I am right now. The keyboard has all sorts of squiggly lines on it. I just got done eating breakfast, and while I was doing that I said, "Hey, check this out: it's 5:30 in the morning, I'm eating a quarter pounder from McDonald's, and I'm in Kuwait." I thought it was humorous. Anyways, we're supposed to be heading for Al Asad today, and I imagine we'll be waiting around there for word on when we meet up with our platoon.

The weather was pretty damn nice here around 3 this morning. But it's supposed to get up to 109 today or something, and Iraq's not going to be any better. I've been here like five hours and I've already drank about a gallon of water. I'm peeing about every thirty seconds.

For posterity's sake, I'd rather not post it openly online, but I just emailed my mailing address to Dad, Mom, Ali, and McBride, so if you would like it and don't have it, those are the folks to go to for it.

The past couple days have been pretty exhausting, due to my inability to sleep on flights. I think I slept a total of 5 hours the last two nights together. I got to see Baltimore and Ramstein AFB, though, so I guess that was neat.

I heard Mr. Beaty died. That is terribly sad news. I can honestly say I never knew a better man, and the world is much less without him. I just wish I could be there for his service and all that. I don't even know how much I can expound on what everybody else is already saying about him. He was a friend to everyone, and cared deeply about every student he ever met. He was contagiously jovial. You couldn't be around him and stay unhappy. Just an indescribably nice person, the likes of which I have never met. Well, keep his family and friends in your prayers.

That's all for now, I need to go meet my battle buddy outside and get back. I'll try and get some pictures of the place for the next time I post. Take good care folks, love y'all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take care of yourself, son. I've got your address if anyone needs it.

May 05, 2006 6:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Roger,

It is good to hear you made it safely to Kuwait. 109 degrees! It sounds like a place my girlfriend would love and I would hate. :) I'm glad to hear you are doing well!

I hadn't heard about Mr. Beaty. That is terrible! He was a hell of a man, I don't think you'll find any better.

Take care of yourself!


May 05, 2006 7:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the posting. I can't give you additional advice about how to deal with the heat other than what you are already doing.

We think of you often.

Be careful out there. (Sgt. Phil Esterhaus, Hill Street Blues)

May 05, 2006 9:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey you,
I got your message, unfortunatly I was in class and couldn't get to the phone. But either way it was great to hear your voice. Hope to hear from you again whenever you have a chance. Glad to hear you made it to Kuwait safely. Take care of yourself and I'll talk to ya soon. :)

May 05, 2006 4:35 PM  

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