Saturday, March 04, 2006

Another week's end

I haven't had internet since Wednesday morning or something, hence no updates in that time.

I didn't get promoted on Wednesday, so I spent most of the day down in the dumps after letting myself get excited about it. Then at the end of the day they called our names and told us we were getting promoted Thursday and to bring our new chevrons so we could get properly pinned. Being senior-most of the promotees, I was to lead the formation, which meant when the company gunny took his place next to the captain I called the "hand salute" command and gave the greeting for the formation of 30-ish promotees and all that. I was also the first one promoted and they read my promotion warrant separately, since I was being promoted to a different rank than everybody else. It was pretty sweet!
To all who shall see these presents, greeting:
Know Ye, that reposing special trust and confidence in the fidelity and abilities of Roger K. Willey, I do appoint this Marine a Lance Corporal in the Reserve of the United States Marine Corps to rank as such from the first day of March, two thousand and six.
This appointee will therefore carefully and diligently discharge the duties of the grade to which appointed by doing and performing all manner of things thereunto pertaining. And I do strictly charge and require all personnel of lesser grade to render obedience to appropriate orders. And this appointee is to observe and follow such orders and directions as may be given from time to time by Superiors acting according to the rules and articles governing the discipline of the Armed Forces of the United States of America.
Given under my hand at MCCES, Training Command, Twentynine Palms, CA this first day of March, in the year of our Lord two thousand and six.
M.I. Considine
Colonel, USMC
So that's pretty exciting. It's caused a major boost in both motivation and self confidence for me, as I had been desperately needing. Walking around here as a lance corporal is outstanding, since basically everybody else (besides Klauer and a few other flukes) are privates or PFCs. I get addressed by my rank much, much more often, and I feel like sometimes people shape up a bit when they see me walk by, as though I'm going to ream them for misbehaving. I just smile and let them think that. I never make any demands to be addressed with more respect or anything now that I've got a whole two days as lance corporal, but I don't mind being the cause of better military discipline around here. Well, I guess I do demand that Schauer snap to attention and do my bidding and stuff like that, because that entertains me and frustrates him to no end, but that's all in good fun.

We had our roughest exam this week, and I only missed two, and on our practical application for the same I passed with flying colors. We have one more week of classroom learning and then we hit the field for three days, do some more practical application, then start wrapping things up and prepping for graduation.

This week has been just long. Studying, studying studying, and I've been sicker than a dog since Tuesday on top of it. Fever, headache, backache, neckache, chills, sore throat, coughing. I believe I've finally found some appropriate medicine for it though, and it seems like it might be slightly subsiding.

It occurred to me that my promotion means I have to change all of my uniforms. I have to get new rank insignia patched on to all of my dress uniforms in place of the PFC ones on there presently. What a pain in the butt. Ah well, at least it will look that much more impressive.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's outstanding, Roger! Congratulations! One question, though. After the hand salute, what is the greeting? It must have been pretty cool having your promotion warrant read seperately. I was wondering if you read any of my e-mails with the links in them, or if you had already seen all of them.

March 04, 2006 5:07 PM  
Blogger Roger W. said...

[Gunny Hicks salutes CO, takes place next to him, comes to attention]
Me: "Hand salute!"
[Formation salutes, CO and gunny return salute.]
Me: "Good morning, sir."
CO: "Good morning."
[CO and gunny cut their salutes]
Me: "!"
[Formation cuts their salutes]

March 04, 2006 5:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Rog! That's great, even if you do have to update your uniforms. I am looking for that to be a frequent problem for you, given your progress so far. Sounds like school is going well, too. Brett asked me today how you get a higher rank, so if you could put something up about that it would be great. Good job and keep up the good work!
Sarah Willey (not to be confused with the myriad other Sarahs)

March 04, 2006 8:03 PM  
Blogger Roger W. said...

How I picked up rank was pretty simple: staying in the Marine Corps, and not getting in trouble. Basically, PFC and Lance Corporal are automatic ranks, given simply based on time in grade and time in service. That is, being already a PFC when I joined, all I had to do was spend 8 months as a PFC and another month to satisfy 9 months time in service. If I had gotten in trouble and lost my rank in that time, I'd have to spend that much more time trying to pick up PFC and then Lance Corporal again.

From here, I have to meet a "cutting score" based on the needs the Corps has for people with my job. My score is based on my physical fitness test, my rifle range score, job proficiency and conduct scores, time in grade/time in service, etc., and if my score meets the cutting score for my MOS as determined by the Corps, then I'm eligible for promotion, and it's just a matter of being high enough on the "promotable" list to make it, as they only have room for so many promotions. It's complicated.

Alternatively, I could get meritoriously promoted, but that's another process altogether I don't want to confuse you with.

March 04, 2006 8:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats and get well soon!

March 06, 2006 1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Roger.

Congratulations! You're doing a fine job of keeping us up to date (much better than my son-who-hates-to-write)!

Take care.

March 06, 2006 3:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Rog!
Congrats on being promoted! Since you weren't allowed time to get to officer school you'll just have to keep working at it like this. But I have faith in you. =) I'm still working on your thing...I'm having trouble narrowing it down. Who would've thought there'd be so many? But anywho, take care and I'll hopefully talk to you soon! Love ya and miss ya!

March 06, 2006 4:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Roger,
Congrats on the promotion! (I'll buy you a beer to celebrate next time i see you). It was great to talk to you this weekend. Glad to hear that you're feeling better. Pledging is going well, they guys all seem really cool. Other than that we're just starting classes again (Bah!). Good luck with everything. Hope to talk to you again soon.

March 07, 2006 1:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs. T. sewed many of Teddy's stripes on for him (though not all). Maybe the Corps would let you come home and have her sew them on.

Be careful out there.

March 09, 2006 6:34 PM  

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