Monday, February 20, 2006

R&R: Just what the doctor ordered

It's been a good weekend so far. Friday night we hit the PX and I grabbed a couple books, namely some fantasy I can't even remember the title of and a collection of short sci-fi stories that won L. Ron Hubbard's Writers of the Future contest. So those are holding me over til the Wheel of Time books arrive (probably on Tuesday, as they've just been sitting in L.A. for three days now). Friday night I just stayed in the room, chatted online and read. It was refreshing.

Yesterday I sat around the room for quite awhile, playing Freelancer on my computer and reading. In the evening, Schauer got a phone call from one of our buddies from the unit, Valluzzi, saying that they were back from the field, so we suited up and headed over there to catch up. It was damn good getting back with those guys. We ended up all heading over to the enlisted club and getting our drink on. Absurdity ensued.

Valluzzi mentioned to Schauer and myself that the platoon was grilling out today, so we thought we'd head over. At about 1400, they decided we were direly needed over there to finish off some brats and beer, so Valluzzi called and relayed an order from our platoon CO, Capt. Chun, to get our asses over there immediately, which we gladly did. We headed over and found a couple of them playing guitar and the rest just chewing the fat. I ended up drinking a number of beers on government dime (your hard-earned tax dollars at work!) and enjoying some of the aforementioned brats. I took a few pictures, and am working hard trying to upload them to Yahoo Photos, but for some reason my internet is fighting against it. I'll put a few up here and post the link later, provided I ever make it work.

I got a good, long beer nap in at the platoon squadbay earlier in the evening, so though it's past midnight I feel wide awake. I imagine I'll stay up nice and late and sleep in nice and late. Oh boy do I love long weekends.

To hell with this. Here's a temporary link at a website I don't think I like. I'll try and find a better place for the pictures later.
It's a mix of 29 Palms pics, pics of today's cookout, and MCT pics.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Government Beer? I had no idea! I'm heading down to the recruiting station tomorrow.

February 20, 2006 7:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Rog! Great pictures, keep posting them! It was so awesome to hear from you Saturday night, it made my whole day! Take care Roger!

February 20, 2006 10:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry that last post was me...

February 20, 2006 10:44 PM  

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