Friday, February 17, 2006

At long last, Friday, and a few days off

We only had a half day today, which amounted to taking our first test (which I aced) after our first PT. Last night we had field day, so after evening chow we cleaned our room for three hours and waited an hour for it to be inspected, leaving little time for relaxation, so the four of us ended up staying up pretty late. Today we were all tired to beat the band, especially after our first strenuous PT in quite awhile, so after noon chow we came back and slept for about three hours. We needed the rest. Due to President's Day we don't report back til Tuesday morning, so we're changing over to civis and probably heading to the enlisted club tonight. I'm pretty excited about the prospect of having a few beers.

I don't know what to do with myself this weekend. We are on a phased liberty system while in comm school, so for the first three weeks we can't leave base at all, and there's not that much to do on base. We could go bowling I suppose and perhaps see a movie if any strike our fancy, and play some pool at the E Club, but other than that we might as well sit around our room and entertain ourselves here. Sadly, I'm still waiting on those Wheel of Time books to get here from Vernon, CA (only two or three hours away!), but they probably won't be here til Tuesday. I reckon I'll pick up a book at the PX if I can find anything interesting. Failing that, I might try to do some idea brainstorming for my story, and probably play a few computer games.

Not much else to report here. Hope everything's alright back there. Take good care of yourselves!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're getting some relaxation time. Keep military discipline at the club, because the Marines don't want you destroying too many brain cells! You need to keep your abilities at peak capacity at all times, just like your Delta Alpha Delta!

February 17, 2006 7:49 PM  

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