Friday, February 10, 2006

Back in Twentynine Palms

It's good to be back in Cali, where there's zero rain and plenty of sun, and I'm almost too warm in my cammies in early February. Supposedly we're starting Comm School on Monday and finishing that on the 28th of March then hanging out briefly and flying off to the sandbox. We'll see, though, since I've learned not to take anything for fact until I'm in the middle of it. We've heard about six different versions of what we'll be doing in the past few days.

Supposedly, we get a wireless signal with internet in our squadbay, though none of us have of yet managed to make it work, so I'm at the internet shop right now paying something like 15 cents per minute. Hopefully that will change if and when I get to Comm School and am living in the barracks, but we'll see. If nothing else, I think I'll be slightly closer to here and the PX, maybe.

The past two days we have spent ten hours a day literally sitting doing nothing over near admin while they're supposed to be processing us back in. Fortunately, our command is pretty awesome and our company commander and company first sergeant encouraged us to bring in our many electronics devices to entertain ourselves, so I grabbed my PSP and mp3 player, which makes things slightly less boring between naps. Sounds like the same is planned for tomorrow. Yuck.

I've been in a really bad mood today. Just pretty down and withdrawn. This is a problem that could be solved if it was a normal Friday night back home. I could use a day off. But that's probably not in the cards until next weekend, and that's only if I get into comm school.

Certainly there's more to say but I can't come up with it and don't want to drop too much money. Take good care of yourselves, folks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh Roger, you sure do like to bitch about the weather! When you are in North Carolina it's too cold, when you're at 29 Palms it's too hot. Yikes! Enjoy your boredom, I'm sure the Corps will be keeping you plenty busy soon enough. Good to here from you though, so keep on blogging when you get a chance.

February 11, 2006 6:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


It's come to my attention that some people have attempted to post comments, and were not successful. It might be useful to give a quick tutorial. There are quite a few people interested in your progress, but not all are familiar with the format.

February 11, 2006 6:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Roger,

I'm the dummy that can't post comments that your dad is talking about. I didn't do the word verification thing last time, hopefully this one will go through. Your pop came down to my place last weekend and we watched your graduation ceremony and OCS DVDs. Very impressive and inspirational! A few more beers and I would have signed up myself. On behalf of my family, I want to thank you and all your fellow Marines for everything you're doing for our country. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

John Lowe

February 11, 2006 11:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

glad to hear you're a little happier back in cali. of course we read your war blog! we miss you around here.

i hope you can find someone or something to keep you as light-hearted as possible. take care of yourself. (i realize you must hear this a lot, but i think it's just what people say when they wish they could be there to look out for you.)

February 12, 2006 3:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Roger,
We miss you so much! This weekend would have been ten times better if you were here. Oh, and Sarah from Kavi's says hi and she misses you. Let me know if you need anything!

February 12, 2006 3:04 PM  
Blogger Roger W. said...

It's awesome when your bartenders start sending their regards. Oorah, Sarah from Kavi's.

All of a sudden I feel like I need to issue a list of Sarahs I know to keep people from getting confused. Sarah who just posted is Sarah Nelson, a friend from school. Sarah from Kavi's is my favorite bartender, Kavi's being my favorite bar. And Sarah who has been posting frequently is my stepmother. Just so everybody knows.

February 13, 2006 9:48 PM  

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