Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Quick update

I can't say much because I have to leave in about fifteen minutes. We went out to "the field" yesterday, which was right behind the barracks, and set up all the radios, and then slept out there last night, and this morning they let us return to the barracks for showers and hygiene time, another reason I have a hard time really respecting how much of a field environment this is. Not that I'm complaining.

I woke up yesterday feeling about a thousand times better. The sore throat is still noticeable but the tight feeling is gone, the froggy sound in my throat is gone, and I haven't had any problems swallowing, so I can eat and drink normally again. I've been gargling regularly with salt water, and I think soon it will be all gone. I'm relieved to have finally broken that nasty sore throat. Thanks for all the tips, folks!

The majority of our company flew out at 2 this morning for the sandbox. I've got mixed feelings on that. I'm eager to meet up with them, and I hope I can and soon.

That's all, gotta go, take care everybody!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I sure am glad you're feeling better! You still sounded like crap on the phone the other night, but this is excellent news. Remember, you can buy 26 ounces of Morton salt for about $1.50, I think. It might be good to take a supply with you when you go across the water. I'm sure they have germs that aren't friendly to American bodies over there too.

March 21, 2006 11:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Roger! Good to hear you are feeling better. It sounds like you caught what has really been going around this winter. I know that what you had was so prevalent in central Illinois that our local paper even reported it. I myself fell victim to it not too long ago. Well, hope you had a good St. Patrick's day, or at least the best you could have had. Talk to you later,

March 21, 2006 5:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Roger.

It's wonderful to hear you are feeling better!

Ali and I saw your Mom the other day at Val's bridal shower. Your Mom was wearing the Service Star Flag pin that I wore while Teddy served in Iraq last year.

Take care.

March 24, 2006 6:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Rog,
I am so relieved to hear you are getting over that throat. At least I know you won't choke or starve to death now! I agree with Dad that you ought to stock up on salt before you go. I guess you could always try gargling with sand, but I think it would be a poor substitute. Don't worry, you'll catch up with the group soon enough. Take care of yourself and be safe.

March 25, 2006 9:21 PM  

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