Saturday, May 20, 2006

Finally, some news worth posting

I got word this morning that we're flying out tonight for Fallujah to join up with Hotel. So, my little vacation is over, although the last few days haven't been terrifically vacationy, anyways. Two days ago, Klauer was duty driver so I rode a. driver with him for most of the day, running our four little stops. Then yesterday was my turn, but old Klauer didn't feel much like returning the favor, so I drove around all day without any company besides the few riders I'd get. I spent fourteen hours driving around between the tent city, motor t., BDOC (our battalion headquarters) and Charlie MP's company headquarters. I got to see a lot of the base, but man was it tiring. I have a sore palm from shifting all day. That bus is a pain in my ass, though it is quite the monster in terms of driving over any terrain. Anyways, I basically got done driving my route around 1900, then at 2030 I had to take a few Marines to the flight line because they were flying out, and then had to stay to pick up somebody flying on a space available spot, which means he could be there when I got there or he could come in at 0400. He ended up getting in around 0330, so I slept between 2300 and 0230. I'm pretty tired today, but since we're leaving I don't get the day off to recuperate.

One of the cool things about being on this base is we see fighters flying around all the time. All of a sudden there'll be this mean shriek from the sky, and you look up and see two F/A-18's hauling ass and then pulling these absurd banks, making an absolute mockery out of the laws of physics. It's pretty motivating.

My major concern for today is finding Schauer, who was just pulled out of Bravo for some reason and assigned to Headquarters, and let him know I'm taking off as he requested. No luck so far, but I've still got four hours. I'm generally a touch upset about leaving all these fine gents whose company I've come to enjoy for a whole new batch of jokers I've never met and who have had the last five months to grow tight knit without me. At least I'll have Klauer along with me. Klauer and I get along swimmingly.

I just finished reading an e-book version of Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut. Despite its contradictions with the high value I place on war, destruction and death, I enjoyed it immensely. It really cracked me up, to tell you the truth. It reminded me of Catch-22.

I have three new pictures, but no time to upload them. Next time perhaps.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Roger.

Good luck with your new assingment.

Keep your head low!

May 20, 2006 6:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoops! Arthritic fingers cause strange typos this early in the morning.

May 20, 2006 6:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Roger,

Good to hear from you. I hope all goes well with your new position. Take care!


May 20, 2006 8:12 AM  

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