Friday, September 15, 2006

Nothing new

It's been a slow couple of weeks. Mostly, I've busied myself by playing dozens of games of Solitaire every day. Pretty much all my free time is spent on that awful wretch of a game. That's how dull my life has been lately. Then again, I did finish watching Lost, and have pretty much exhausted my movies. I haven't been reading much at all recently, though I don't really know why. Soon enough, I need to pack everything and ship it all home. I'm trying to minimize the amount of crap I have to fly with.

Man, the time is really ticking down here. Unfortunately, the closer we get, the slower time goes by. Soon, folks!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey All,

Roger is hoping to have a get-together for ALL of his friends and family who are available AS SOON AS he gets back. He is thinking the FIRST day of his 96 hour liberty, which we will know when that is maybe a few days in advance, and we pray that it falls at a good time of the week. We plan to have it in the NEW garage that Josh put up this summer behind our house, at 1604 17th Avenue in Sterling. Parking would be available on 17th or 18th Av, LeFevre Road to the north or possibly at St. Paul's Lutheran Church a block to the west. It will be VERY last minute and, most importantly, will include as many of his special people as possible. We will try to let everyone know as we get the word. To the best of our knowledge, he should most likely be in Waterloo about the second week of October. Watch for details, but we'll plan to get a phone chain going, also.

Please keep Roger and all the troops protecting our freedom around the world in your prayers until their safe return. We anticipate seeing all soon!

Love you, Roger!

Josh and Mom

September 15, 2006 7:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Roger.

When Teddy came back from Iraq he spent a week at Fort Dix attending meetings during the day and riding a shuttle bus into town in the evening to partake of beverages which had been prohibited in Iraq. Do you get a week of meetings and hangovers when you get back to the States?

Take care!

September 16, 2006 7:03 AM  
Blogger Roger W. said...

Mrs. T,
Something like that, yes.

September 16, 2006 3:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Please pencil in a time in your appointment book when I can buy you a drink. I've been looking forward to raising a toast to you for some time. It doesn't require you're immediate attention when you get back, just keep it in mind.



September 16, 2006 7:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like your time in California will at least allow you to relax some. I am sure it will take some time for the adrenalin of the battlefield to leave your system! At least school and work should keep you pretty busy fairly soon, so your recently acquired workaholic tendencies will be well-served!
See you soon,

September 17, 2006 8:17 AM  

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