Saturday, June 24, 2006

Busier yet

Things have been getting just absurd. We've been working between 12- and 22-hour days for about two weeks now. We finally got today off, thank God, and I used it to watch Star Wars Episode IV, read about half of the book on guerilla warfare by Mao Zedong and translated by a Marine general that Dad sent me, and playing some Starcraft with my buddy Karnolt. I also went to the PX and picked up some cookies, because Mrs. Heffelfinger sent me some of these soft and chewy Keebler cookies a little while back that really blew me away. I finally got my room pretty respectably organized too, by buying a couple cardboard storage boxes for beneath my rack. I have one entirely full of assorted snacks and candies that you folks have sent me, and one entirely full of assorted hygiene gear that you folks, namely Mom, have sent me. I'm pretty well good to go on that stuff, and I appreciate it a great deal! I've gotten some very nice cards from Mrs. Hayen and co., one of which was signed by a bunch of different ladies that made me a little teary from its thoughtfulness (I'm a sap, what can I say?), and packages from Mrs. Heffelfinger and Mrs. Nyboer, on top of all the packages from Mom & Josh and Dad & Sarah. I literally have run out of room. Don't let that deter you, though. I'll figure something out.

I've been considering my future a lot lately, and something I've been playing around with is taking the government college money I'll rate when I get back and, after finishing my poli sci degree, tacking on another couple years for an economics degree, which is along the same lines but actually marketable. I'm back to the idea of going officer again, which I had scoffed for awhile since I got a taste of the active side of being a Marine, but since I've been having a pretty good time lately and this is both as bad and as good as being a Marine gets, I figure it's something I could really enjoy. It's damn rough being away from friends and family so much, but it's satisfying work and my options as an officer would probably be more open. Anyways, thought I might share that. It's the first time in awhile since I felt like I had an optimistic long term plan for my life, and it sure feels good.

They moved me to a new vehicle and everybody switched around, so I'm getting accustomed to the new setup. Also, I've been driving the 7-ton trucks on a few missions, which I've grown much more comfortable with.

Not much new to report. Hope all is well back there, and congratulations to Chad & Melissa and Petty & Val on their weddings! Good luck, folks. Love ya all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Roger,

It is great to hear from you. I wish I had the discipline to sit and figure out my future! Let me know how it works out. :)

I'm glad you're getting lots of packages, because your oldest brother is a serious slacker in that department. It sounds like you are doing well.

I think Chad's wedding started about 30 minutes ago. I heard the bells ringing (I'm home for Kelci's wedding). It is too bad you are missing stuff like that!

I hope all is well, stay safe!


June 24, 2006 4:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Roger,

I had been telling the other folks around here about how busy you had been. Folks, Roger called me the day after Father's Day, 7:00 a.m. our time, 4:00 p.m. Iraq time. On that particular day he had already been on one mission, and was getting ready to go on another. He said he had been up since before 7:00 and probably wouldn't be done until 4:00 a.m.. That gives the rest of us an indication why he doesn't get a chance to update the blog more often. I should also mention that he thought it was funny that I would send him a book by Mao Tse Tung, but wouldn't consider sending him episodes of the West Wing. I hadn't really thought about that! They're about equivalent, I guess.
Roger, I shipped another package to you the other day with the items we talked about. Let us know what you need, you can see there are a lot of people willing to help.
Take care of yourself. Remember, focus on the front sight!



June 25, 2006 11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

consideration? satisfaction? optimism? :-D glad to hear it. well, well, well, econ? who'd have thought? regardless of what you end up deciding, it sounds like even thinking about it has been good for you.

sherm had his graduation party last night. you would have liked it; it was outdoors, very relaxed, and his younger brother got wasted off the keg. heh. hope you're doing well. besides the long days, it sounds like you are.

June 25, 2006 12:40 PM  
Blogger TeddY2K said...


Sorry haven't commented in forever buddy. I forget to check the blog since I usually hear from my sister or mom how you're doing! I think it's awesome that in the Marines you have required reading for promotion. I think most people I dealt with in the active Army would kick and scream like little girls if you made them read anything more difficult than the sports page. If you like, I could send you a copy of "The Persian Puzzle: The History of the Conflict Between Iran and the United States." Not exactly about Iraq, but it's about that area in general, a good read, and a very thought provoking work. Missed Sherm's party, but possibly off to St. Louis this weekend to see Dukes/Mu/Augie folks, and then off to Rachel's housewarming in the QC on Saturday. Gonna miss you at the 4th Of July Muni Concert cannon firing this year. Well, that's all I got for now. Keep your eyes open and Hajji away from your convoy!


June 27, 2006 2:20 PM  
Blogger Roger W. said...

You being the only person to have witnessed firsthand my sole dealings with econ, I'll ask you to please not comment on will get my folks worried. Heh.

No sweat, boss. Also, I'm pretty upset that I'm missing the 4th of July cannon firing for my second year in a row; usually, I look forward to it a great deal. Give my regards to your folks and grandfolks, and of course your sister and everybody else.

June 29, 2006 5:08 AM  

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