Friday, May 26, 2006


Folks, Truth is, things here are comparable to there, only smaller. The MWR is actually nicer, from what little I've seen of it (this is the first time I've been here), with more computers. Camp Fallujah is about a fifth the size of Al Asad, with much fewer people. Our command center and barracks are a ways away from mainside, unfortunately, so we have to take a bus to get here and the PX, but we do have a chow hall within walking distance. My billeting is quite a bit nicer, in that I have a room I'm sharing with three lance corporals and an E-3 navy doc, so I've got more privacy and it's nice to finally be able to set my stuff up how it's going to stay. Also, in response to one of dad's responses, Fallujah itself is indeed pretty torn up from what I've seen of it, but Camp Fallujah is a ways out of town and pretty nice. So yeah, I'm with Hotel now. I've been here since...Wednesday morning. Or something like that. I've completely lost track of days. Somebody yesterday said "It's Friday already?" and I was thinking it was Tuesday or something. This is to say I've been absurdly busy. It's been four days or something and I've been on two convoys. Yesterday I was working for 19 hours, ten of which were as the upgunner, so it was pretty exhausting. I've also in that same time seen pretty much every major place in Iraq outside Mosul. They've actually got me working comm, and I'm fully integrated with the comm team here, which is awfully nice. I've finally got a functional place in a real platoon. Which reminds me, I have a real, solid, permanent mailing address finally, which I will email to Mom, Dad, Ali and McBride following this post. My fears of being sort of outcast from my platoon were unnecessary. I thought that since these guys have been together for five months already without me, they would be close knit and weary of outsiders. Quite the contrary, everybody has been terrifically helpful and friendly, and I'm beginning to make a few friends, not to mention that Doc Vanderlois, one of the E-5 navy docs we came to Iraq with, has been hanging out with me quite a bit. I've only seen Klauer and the other two I came here from Straggler PLT with two or three times since I've been here, so it's good that I'm not having as hard a time as I thought making friends. I've been assigned to a vehicle, and one of the LCpls in the vehicle rooms with me and is friendly, and the other one is a fellow comm bubba so he's been showing me the ropes and offered to show me all the different radios and comm systems we've got, the ones I didn't learn much of at Comm School. Also good: our leadership seems to be locked on, namely our platoon commander, Capt. Keady, who is a badass and has the respect from everybody I've talked to. I bought the sixth season of West Wing today (something for which I feel I owe an explanation to my father: it is indeed consistently liberal, but it's a thinking man's show and a show about politics, so it's good for me right now, since I don't get much of either). Sure, I don't own any other seasons of the show, but I know basically what was going on from watching Bravo and it's a good season, what with Leo's heart attack, the presidential campaigns and so on. All I know is very soon I will need the seventh season (hint, hint, folks). I'll try and get pics of the place sometime soon. It's pretty nice, all things considered, especially being able to see the stars at night. That's one thing that got me thinking. Judging by the purple light pollution in the sky at night, I would say Fallujah is smaller than Sterling. I'm sure it's not, but it says something. My mind's not engaged enough to determine what. I read Ender's Game, Slaughterhouse Five, and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas last week. I just tried reading the next book in the Ender series (by Orson Scott Card) and it turns out it takes place 3,000 years after Ender's Game and has none of the same characters or basic storyline. I'm pretty pissed about that. I need books, desperately. Anything good. I wish I'd written down a list of things to have Mom or Dad send me. There's also a number of other things I've been meaning to purchase online and have sent to me via someone at home. Ah well. I'm out of stuff to post. I know there's more I've been meaning to say, but I guess this means I need to start writing it down when I think of it. That's all, take care folks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Roger,

Thanks for the update. It is great to hear that you are somewhat settled and things are working out well integrating with your platoon.

Let me know if you can think of any of the things you need. There are a few things I have ready to send over, so I can add what you need. I'm not even going to attempt to buy you a book, though. You know how often I read. I'm sure I couldn't pick out anything you would find remotely interesting.

Anyways, take care of yourself and keep us updated!


May 27, 2006 10:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What did you think of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas?

May 28, 2006 9:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Roger.

The SHS choir is singing at the Memorial Day service at Grandon Civic Center this morning. Mr. McCoy talked to the kids about what Memorial Day means and how he thought they should all take part in it and see all those people from this area that have put on the uniform and served this country. So we'll think of you especially this day and pray for your safe return.

Take care.

May 29, 2006 6:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey buddy,
I'm sure you're sick of me bringing this up by now, but I'm on book seven of the wheel of time series, and I can't remember what you bought up through. But if you would like, I can send my books to you once you think you might want to start reading them again if you so desire. Just let me know! Take care!

May 29, 2006 2:38 PM  
Blogger Roger W. said...

It really cracked me up, like the movie, but the problem was exactly that it was too similar to the movie. As in, most of it wasn't anything new to me, down to the verbatim dialogue and monologue. I did really enjoy it, nonetheless.

I've bought up through book eleven, so there's not much you can send me, unless book twelve comes out anytime soon. I actually picked up book nine again the other day for a few minutes, but haven't gotten back to it, because the West Wing is keeping me busy. I'm almost done with that too, though. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like the seventh season is out yet, which makes sense because if I remember correctly it just ended.

May 30, 2006 6:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry I was slow to respond to your post, Roger. We haven't had Internet access since the storm Saturday afternoon. I've found that no one at Gallatin River will come in when they are off to push the reset button.

I asssume that an upgunner operates a vehicle mounted .50 caliber or M240G. Details, please. What kind of vehicle are you assigned to? You say you've been every major place except Mosul. If you get to Al Quaim, tell those guys to give your K-Bar back! That was a gift from me! Also, do your convoys originate in Fallujah, or are you going down into Kuwait, or what? Don''t tell me on this post if it violates operational security, but I am curious. The 1644th was running convoys from Kuwait into Iraq, at least according to my classmate Sean.

I'm glad to hear you're making some friends, and your quarters are acceptable. Regarding the West Wing series; I will take a beating first before spending my money or your money on your behalf on that garbage! That's called tough love, son. You'll have to find someone else to aid in polluting your young and impressionable mind with that trash! Ask for something from the reading list you guys are supposed to be using to prepare for promotion. I've looked at the list, and there is plenty of good material. Tell me what you'd like, and I'll get it for you. I may read it first, but I will send it.

Update us when you get a chance, it really lifted my spirits to read your post and find out you're doing well!



May 30, 2006 4:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's outstanding to hear that things are finally starting to become more routine and all that. I got the chance a few weeks ago to meet your roomate, spermin. Mom and I went to the quad cities to pick up the futon. We also walked around the mall and I picked up a new pair of shoes. I desperately need to find a place in the quad cities, it's a planet of women! Fear and Loathing was definately the craziest movie I've ever seen. It's unfortunate that the book doesn't have even more details. It was great to hear from you, hoss!

May 30, 2006 8:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Rog,
It sure is nice to finally get Internet back and see your post! Of course, it probably would have been worse if we'd had access and then didn't see anything from you. I figure no news is good news so I try not to worry too much. I assumed you were pretty busy with the transition. Fox News posts the temperatures in Iraq every morning along with our own and I've thought of you many times when I see the numbers, so I am really glad your quarters are going to give you some relief. I would be more than happy to send you some books, but I am not sure what you'd like. I have lots of murder mysteries laying around here that I've read, but I don't know if you want them or not. I know fiction really helps me detach at night, so I can see why you'd want something fictional. If there are any sci fi books I can pick up, just tell me what series or what general topics and I'll take a guess. It would be better to have something, even if it's not a great book. We went to Memorial Day services and it was really meaningful this year. Amanda Dempsey spoke, who just came back from a year. She was terrific! It brought tears to many. It brings back the reason you are over there.
Take care of yourself,

May 31, 2006 7:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Roger, that's great to hear you're going to get a routine of some kind and making new friends.
Uncle Ken- Grandma Willey asked me to have you get Roger's adress for her, i just talked to her.
take care and stay safe!
oh and nice pink tan you had in the pics.

May 31, 2006 1:10 PM  

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