Sunday, May 21, 2006

3 miscellaneous pics

Here they are. Please note that I am not now and have not been since first grade photogenic.

Quick update: False alarm on the moving thing for now. We went, checked in to Space A, loaded all our bags onto a pallet, bused out to the flight line, and sat in a building for half an hour before a sandstorm hit, grounding all the helicopters. They got us back on the buses, moved us back to the terminal, and told us to standby in case it didn't get cancelled and we could fly later. We sat around for five hours, and then at 0230 they told us the flight was cancelled. So we'll try again today, but our chances of getting on today are decreased since now it's all the people that were trying to go to Fallujah last night plus all the ones that will try to go tonight. We'll see what happens. It's a godsend, though, because I didn't get the chance to say goodbye to anyone before we took off, so I'll try and get that done today. I did, on that note, get the song "We'll Meet Again" by Johnny Cash stuck in my head, though.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's kind of sobering to note that in this age of high technology something as simple as a short helicopter flight can be scrubbed due to an act of nature. We take a lot of things for granted.
I take exception to your notion of not being photogenic. All of my sons are just cute as buttons!
Good luck to you, Roger, and keep us posted. Do you know what kind of base facilities they have at Camp Fallujah?

May 21, 2006 6:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You look photogenic in a number of pictures I've seen of you. Not the ones you just posted, but in the past.

I thought about you at church today as it apparently is Armed Forces Sunday.

Looks like were taking the red dragon and blue bandit out on the river today. Maybe in July or August we'll take a bit of a trip and go tubing on the Euphrates so you can get in on the hot intertubing action.

Talk to you later.

May 21, 2006 10:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Roger.

Ali has some terrific pictures of you...usually wearing funny wool clothes...but you look cute as a brass button in them.

Take care!

May 22, 2006 6:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those sandstorms are unbelievable! It kind of looks like a tornado in brown. I can imagine why the helicopters are grounded. The pictures are great. What a benefit technology is! It makes this much easier.
P.S. you were always really cute in your pictures!
Take Care,

May 22, 2006 8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone else that frequent this sight figure the reason Roger hasn't posted is because he caught a flight to Fallujah? I had asked about the infrastructure there because I knew the city was nearly destroyed when we took it back. I wonder if he has any internet access or if anyone has a good mailing address yet?

May 25, 2006 5:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Willey,

When Sean was over there he did not have internet access in the building he stayed in. He had to go quite a distance to another building and often the internet was down. He lived on one of the largest bases we have over there, so I imagine things will be much worse in Fallujah.

May 26, 2006 6:22 AM  

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