Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Long time with no updates

I have been to the internet center probably six times in the last 2.5 weeks to update this bad boy, but the net is so slow that it's nearly impossible, especially if I want to upload some pictures while I'm at it. Speaking of, I shaved my head, and liked it quite a bit better than I thought I would. My head, though huge, is fairly smooth and reasonably shaped, and no hair means no noticeably receding hairline. We'll see how long I decide to keep it shaved.¤t=DSC01498.jpg

I've been terribly busy recently, meaning we've had many missions without much free time. I went to the Jordanian border the other day, and finally got to Baghdad International Airport (BIAP) the other day as well, which is a huge base with a huge PX, nearly Walmart-sized, with nearly everything I could hope for in a PX in Iraq.

I've been getting all your packages and letters, and have been enjoying their fruits quite a bit. I'm so happy to finally have a respectable collection of books and movies to busy myself with if I ever get a chunk of free time, of which I have had little in the last week. And the snacks have been keeping me fed on the road. I really appreciate all the thought you've put into them!

Gah, so much more to say, I'm sure, but not much time left. Take care, folks! Hope all's well back stateside.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Roger good to hear from you again. you're right, the shaved head doesn't look bad on you. hopefully you get more freetime to read your books and such.
stay safe!

June 14, 2006 12:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the bald head better then the really short hair.

I'm not sure if you'll be able to respond or if you know the answer, but do you know where your boots that i used to go re-enacting are? (your mom's house, dad's house, car?)


June 14, 2006 4:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh, it's good to here from you Roger! I figured you'd been too busy to post. I like the shaved head, but your Mom will have to wax those Willey eyebrows! What happened to the Lance Corporal mustache look? I've always favored the shaved head with a full beard, but never had the courage to do it. You look fit,I hope my package has arrived. I found your pipe and baseball glove, and will include them in the next shipment. To respond to Tyler, I don't think the boots are at my house or in Roger's car. I just went through all the stuff in his car yesterday, and no boots. That's how I found his pipe and glove. Have you received my e-mail? I've had no response to e-mail since you went to Hotel Battery. Be tough and stay safe! We all keep you in our thoughts every day. Remember, focus on the front sight!



June 14, 2006 8:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't see the picture, but the computer was nice enough to spit out some jibber jabber where it should be. I'm sure it looks pretty tough though. Nothing looks more brutal than a shaved head and a uniform. Definately a force to be reckoned with. Brent Forman is back in town, I've been talking a bit with him recently. I thought of you the other day when I was laying some pipe. The entire time I was at this house, these unsavory characters were talking down on conservatives. They were a bunch of uneducated liberal slugs. I was livid. I wish you were there. Well, I'm gonna head out. Take care.

June 15, 2006 6:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Roger,

I don't blame you for not updating the blog if you have slow internet. There is nothing worse than that! I think I'd rather use smoke signals to communicate than slow internet.

I like the shaved head as well. I always thought that a Willey head was much too large to go hairless, but you seem to have pulled it off.

I hope everything is going well. I swear I'll send the package that has been sitting on my living room floor for the last month sometime next week. Stay safe!


June 16, 2006 7:50 AM  
Blogger Timay51 said...

What up rog?

The shaved head does make you look like a badass. If you grow a goatee back you'll look like a less crazy Edward Norton in american history x. All I can say is, keep kicking some ass roger and I'll see you in the fall sometime. Lata jarhead.

Tim the ex panda Ling Ling

June 16, 2006 11:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Responding to Alex; from the perspective of women who have married into the Willey family, the only reason a Willey would have a large head is because of the incredible thickness of the skull. This is what accounts for the relative smoothness and symmetry. It also accounts for the receding hairline; hair is just like grass in that it grows better over deep soil. It doesn't grow well over thick outcroppings of rock.



June 16, 2006 5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Rog,
Not being the witty person that your dad, brothers, and friends are I will stick to opinions and news.
I agree with everyone else, the head looks good! I am surprised that I like it. You remind me of a guy in my class who has shaved his head. He's only about 35 and I really felt sorry for him that his hairline was receding so much already but this look sure capitalizes on the situation.
Sounds like you are staying very busy. I bet you'll be carting all those books and movies back with you in the fall unread and unwatched!
I am sending your blog to several people so if you get messages from strangers, don't be surprised. I had dinner with one of my professors and her husband the other night and he always asks about you, so I am sending him the address.
Take care of yourself and stay safe,

June 17, 2006 7:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I was looking at that picture of your shaved head again. Where was that picture taken, and by who, exactly? Your readers have all been feeling kind of guilty because you're in a dangerous country and all that, but that picture shows a manufactured wall behind you and what looks like a fancy metallic headboard for a bed! Definitely not Marine Corps issue! My question is, was that picture taken in a barracks or a bordello? Inquiring minds want to know! Is that why you have that big smile on your face?

Sign me suspicious,


June 17, 2006 8:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, It's damn good to hear from you. I miss you bro, things aren't the same when I visit Illinois and you're not there. Stay safe out there and if you need anything, don't hesitate to get a hold of me. I'm here for you brother.

June 17, 2006 9:14 PM  

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