Thursday, June 29, 2006


We are losing our minds here. It has just been dreadfully long, pain-in-the-ass missions all the time, and worse, when we're not on missions we're doing these ridiculous classes that we've already done two or three times since we've been activated and could probably teach, anyways. But thank the Lord above, we had a mission today that got cancelled (after waking up at 0630 and spending three hours briefing and prepping the trucks), so we can finally relax and get caught up, spiritually and otherwise.

Dad: I put down that Mao book after only half but will surely pick it back up soon, and in the meantime have been reading The Sum of All Fears, which I'm about a quarter into now. I'm slow reading Tom Clancy books, as they're so technically detailed and somewhat dry for fiction, but that's also one thing I appreciate about them. Maybe after I finish it I'll finally manage to read all of Red Storm Rising, which I've read halfway into at least two or three times and never finished. Oh, I finished Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut, too, which took me about two days to read. He's a terribly entertaining writer...for a liberal.

The last time I got into my Gmail account was roughly three weeks ago, and the emails from Mom reminded me of some comical movie where the protagonist checks his answering machine and it's 99 messages from the same person. "Hey Roger, it's Mom...", "Hey Roger, Mom again...", "Just Mom calling to say I love you...", that kind of thing. I appreciate that you're thinking about me, Mom!

This week having been so strenuous and full of busy work, I'm rethinking the officer option again, on the negative side this time. Some day I'll come up with a specific occupation to pursue, but it will probably not be terribly soon.

I organized my room the other day (I think I may have already mentioned it), but now I've got all the stuff I've got in stacks. Like, I've got a stack of like five packages of baby wipes about a foot tall, about fifteen unopened chap sticks, two things of shampoo, four bottles of sunscreen, et cetera et cetera. It's comical.

Captain Keady (who, by the way, is I think the best officer I've ever run into...present company excluded of course, Nelson and Mike) apparently placed me on the vehicle I'm in now so I can be the convoy's radio guy, talking to the friendlies in charge of our areas of operation. For being a fresh radio operator, it's kind of like hitting the ground running, but it's been quite educational, and makes me feel important. Also, I sit in the back so I don't really have to do much and get a semi-comfortable ride, except that somehow the back seat in a humvee has less leg room than the back seat of my Camaro. Who'd have thunk it? All I can say is I want some kind of monster truck or something when I get back, something with so much leg room I have to walk to the steering wheel, and since the humvees are the smallest vehicles I've driven in the last three months, I probably will have forgotten how to handle anything smaller. My Camaro will seem like a go-cart.

I realize I'm rambling. I feel like I need to write long posts when I get a chance to post. Bah, deal with it.

Something I should mention is that I get mail quite a bit more often than I have the opportunity to check email. And I never get much in terms of news, besides the Stars and Stripes newspaper which seems more biased towards hooahs and the occasional Marine Corps Times from the PX. Hint hint. Also, I got another letter from Mr. Lowe, which I appreciated a great deal. I think he and I would get along swimmingly, because he seems to be as absurdly conservative as I am.

That's all, I give up. Remember, give war a chance.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm glad you're getting a little bit of time to read. I think Red Storm Rising is about my favorite Tom Clancy book.
Is it getting hotter over there? I guess hot is a relative term, but since it's nearly July, I'm curious what your average temps are.
Stay cool, and remember; focus on the front sight!



June 29, 2006 6:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hope everything is well with you. I spoke with my son, Lcpl. Schauer, the other day and he said the same thing about the classes you guys attend. I think he used the same term, "ridiculous."

Anyway, he says to say hello. He could probably use your computer savvy to resize his pictures for email, but I think he's got it figured out.

I check your web blog every couple of days. Keep up the good work and stay safe.

June 29, 2006 8:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roger -

So I'm back to reading fantasy again, George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series. The first book, "A Game of Thrones," was 800 pages and I finished it in a little over a week. I'm into the second one now, "A Clash of Kings."

It's very good fantasy and has revived my interest in the Genre. I'm going to being writing sometime soon - or so I hope. Have you had any time to write anything?

June 29, 2006 12:58 PM  
Blogger Roger W. said...

The last temps I remember quoted were daytime high of 116, nighttime low of 90.

Mr. Schauer,
Thanks for checking the site! Be sure to tell Chuck hello for me, as well. I'm eager to get back to 29 Palms so he and I can hang out again. After as long as we spent together, it just doesn't seem right not having him around.

That is truly terrific. I don't remember if you've even got Facebook, but if you have it and checked my profile, one of the things I have listed as my favorite reading is "anything Ben Arnold writes," which is true, so whenever you write something you're willing to share, I'm willing to read it. Sadly, I myself haven't done a great deal of writing/brainstorming due to lack of time, but I did write a couple pages the other day of a non-fantasy story, which was against the norm for me. It could turn out to be a really...interesting story, if I ever get back to it. It was difficult to write it though, for reasons you'd have to read the finished product to understand. Someday, perhaps. For now, I'm just reading whatever I can get my hands on, and am still trudging my way through book ten of the Wheel of Time. I think about the different stories I've got in progress fairly often though, but to not much avail. I still think I'm sitting on top of a gold mine, though, if I can ever really develop what I've got.

June 29, 2006 4:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I finally got around to posting again and you already had another one up! I am really glad to hear you considering your future options. Economics would be a good degree to have, I think. No matter what you end up doing, I still have visions of watching you in the future as a consultant being interviewed on television- could be as an author, an economist, or whatever you choose. You have great God-given talents! Enjoy the reading when you have time; life just gets busier and it is a great hobby to have for later. Sounds like you are keeping too busy to worry about the future too much. Just remember, one day at a time is fine. Trust God to lead you where He wants you to go. You just need to listen and follow. It's really nice to read the posts, I appreciate your dedication to them. It helps us all stay in touch.
Just remember, we are all thinking about you and praying for you.

Sarah Willey

June 29, 2006 5:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey good to hear from you man. Thanks for the compliment about being a good officer, that means a lot. Sorry to hear that the other officers out there aren't necessarily up to par. Well, I'm going to keep this short, but take care and stay safe out there.

June 29, 2006 8:37 PM  
Blogger Roger W. said...

Don't get me wrong, there are some good officers here. My platoon commander is about the most kickass officer I've been under since I joined the Corps, but others have given me very bad impressions. And I only think it's fair to assume that you're a good officer, but you've never been over me. I think it's easy to tell what officers are good just by their personalities, though, and I know you well enough to be sure that you're good.

July 01, 2006 4:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks for the update. It is good you guys are finally getting a little R & R. Enjoy it while you can!

I finally got your package sent off on Friday. I don't know why it took me so long, but I took a vacation day on Friday and finally managed to get it out. Hopefully you get it soon.

I don't know if you guys do anything special for Independence Day over in Iraq, but I sure do hope you all get to enjoy it. We're all proud of what you guys do! Take care of yourself bud.


July 02, 2006 9:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You hinted that you wanted mail, and news? I will get your address from Little Teddy and try to ship you some news magazines.

Thanks for your diligence in posting. It allows us all to remember on a regular basis just what is going on beyond our own daily lives.

July 03, 2006 9:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've really enjoyed reading your blog. It was great to see pictures of Chuck. I;m looking forward to meeting you when you get back to Illinois. Take care of yourself.

Schauer's Mom

July 05, 2006 1:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Roger.

We missed you at the 1812 Overture last night. Nick wore the derby.

Take care!

July 06, 2006 6:49 PM  

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