Saturday, September 09, 2006

Stressful evening

Things have been going pretty slow recently, without much worthy of note (well, last Tuesday was interesting). Today most of the NCOs had to come up with half-hour classes for us, to keep us from having to do extremely stupid, tedious manual labor for the first sergeant. A lot of them turned out to be pretty interesting, since many of them gave classes on things pertaining to their jobs back home, like law enforcement in Cpl. McTernan's case and federal employment in Cpl. Hinson's. It was educational. Blah.

So then, after the classes were all done, about ten Marines were required to do a PFT. I didn't like my last score, so I asked if I could do it, though it wasn't required for me. I didn't do outstanding by any means, but my scores improved enough to get me a first-class PFT, making me eligible for meritorious promotion. I did thirteen pull-ups, a hundred situps and ran the 3-mile in 23:27, which is better than I've done in awhile (which is sad). I could do better.

Ironically, when I walked back to the house from the PFT which finally qualified me for meritorious promotion, I was told that I would be doing a meritorious promotion board in two hours. It wasn't a real board, but rather a sort of preliminary board because the NCOs couldn't decide from the four of us who did it tonight who to send up for the board (normally, I'd have weeks to prepare). So, I found and borrowed some clean cammies, showered and shaved up really nice, and the four of us found a room and studied Marine Corps knowledge briefly, then at 2200 we went in one at a time. There were two sergeants and two corporals, plus my vehicle commander (errr, sorta former vehicle commander), Sgt. Nicola.

Well, they didn't tell us yet which two of us will go to the real board, but they did say we all surprised them with how well we did. Now, me personally, I think that's a load of crap, because I felt like I did awfully. For some reason, I was more nervous tonight than I have been getting shot at. I was a nervous wreck, and I think I was literally shaking while standing at attention (partially due to my legs being badly fatigued from the PFT I had just run). I didn't speak loudly or confidently enough. I could have done much better, and would have expected myself to do much better. These are the Marines I spend every day with, who I talk to with great comfort dozens of times a day. Yet when they're sitting at this table in front of me, judging my every mood to decide my fate, I quaked. So anyways, that was rough. I asked Doc Schmutz for some morphine afterwards. He said no.

Now, I should mention that I'm terrifically priveleged to have been selected for even this pre-board. That they couldn't decide among me and these three motivators is amazing. They've all been in considerably longer than I have and are all terribly competent. Furthermore, I can think of at least five other Marines I would have picked for it before myself. Pretty much the whole of the lance corporals would be pissed if I picked up meritorious corporal, since so many of them have put in so much more time and do terrific jobs themselves. So, anyways, it's a huge compliment.

This is already pretty long and I doubt there's much more I want to tell you about right now, so I'll finish here. Keep holding down the fort for me, and you're welcome for the lower gas prices.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Roger.

Woohoo, I'm first.

Ali told me you called her the other day...always glad to hear you are okay.

Take care and we'll see you soon.

September 09, 2006 6:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Roger,

Way to go! Your story doesn't surprise me in the least. It's good to hear you are getting recognition among your peers. We just came home from your cousin Jeff's wedding, and there were many people offering their thanks to you and your fellow Marines, and giving their best wishes for your safe and speedy return. We are all looking forward to a safe and successful end to your deployment. See you soon!



September 09, 2006 8:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Rog,

Josh and I were out in Waterloo for the "Homecoming Brief" today, and are even more excited about you returning home!! We started at 10:00, had lunch about noon as Oakley talked, and were on the road home by 1:30. Not many of the Marines were represented, but we DID find out that you will be flying into WATERLOO, not Chicago. There is NO formal welcoming for the group at that point as you will be flying commercial--individually or in very small groups. It's a drive we are very eagerly looking forward to!!

Goodie boxes have now been shut off as they expect that you would not get them before returning. Sorry, we thought we'd get more peanut butter bars off for all of you!

You should be proud of all of your accomplishments, especially while as a Marine. You have so much potential. Congrats!

Take care, stay safe and we will see you soon!

By the way, with the coding you have been doing with us, the date you mentioned is, according to Oakley, the L(atest) D(eparture) D(ate) possible for getting out of country, but you probably knew that. It could be earlier!!

Love you,

Mom and Josh

September 09, 2006 9:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Technically, I should be first seeing how I was chatting with him on AIM while he was posting, and responded to him via the chat program my reaction to his post. Something along the lines of "good deal" or some such.

ANYWAY, this is not a contest so I'll move on to the bigger concern...

I've got nothing. Talk to you later roger.

September 10, 2006 1:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Rog,
I was pleased to hear that others are recognizing the leadership qualities in you that have always been there,lying dormant. This is the reason that Dad was so happy that you chose the Marines. They are supposed to have one of the best leadership training programs in the world! I know you don't think you deserve the accolades, but that in itself is one of the qualities of a great leader. In "Good to Great" by John Collins, he refers to a group of CEOs of successful companies as Level 5 leaders. The humility that you are demonstrating is one of the key characteristics of a level 5, you'll be gratified to know.
Sounds like things are winding down for you, I bet the adjustment will be interesting as you prepare for coming home. Katrina sent out an email with notes from the briefing and it contains some advice for us upon your return. I'll do my best to follow it and not drive you nuts! I am really looking forward to seeing you again and supporting you in any way I can.
At Jeff's wedding, I was marveling at the miracle of modern technology. There are several of your relatives, both from here and from Minnesota, who monitor this blog regularly. I can't help but think that we should be grateful when I think of other wars in which no one knew if their loved one was alive on a regular basis.
Take care of yourself,

September 10, 2006 11:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, Tyler...I was trying not to be my normal doom and gloomy self. I'm glad technology has made it possible for all of you Rogues to keep in touch with each other at any time of the day and anywhere in the world. You all helped Teddy get through his deployment and I'm sure you've done the same for Roger.

September 10, 2006 12:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Rog,
Its good to hear from you man. I really wish I could be there when you return. Unfortunately, I won't be able to be back in Illinois until after the New Year. So when you get there, keep the beer on ice and we'll watch the bears win the super bowl or something. Take care man, as always, stay safe.

September 11, 2006 5:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Rog
That's really great news about your pre-board! Even if you don't end up getting picked it sounds like the wheels are definetly in motion for you. They must be pretty impressed with you.
take care

September 13, 2006 8:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I walked out this mornin and wrote down this song. I just can't remember who to send it to."

September 15, 2006 4:31 PM  

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