Friday, August 11, 2006

Exciting scuttlebutt

Not too much today, just a quick update.

We've been having some pretty slow days lately, which is fine with me. I got to test out the new bulletproof glass shields we got on our humvees for the first time today, and it rocks. I feel much safer, closed up in a nice bulletproof glass box on three sides. Other than that I've just been reading (finally finished up with Atlas Shrugged and started Teddy's Iran book, which I'm enjoying), watching movies and doing busywork.

The exciting news I heard today came from my vehicle commander, the NCO directly above me. He told me that not only he himself but other NCOs as well have brought up my name when they discuss who should be meritoriously promoted. Unfortunately, it can't happen until I get all my professional military education (PME) stuff checked off. I'm finishing the first one tonight, which I just got today, but I'm still waiting on at least two more MCIs (Marine Corps Institute classes), namely Terrorism Awareness and Personal Finance, which I have been trying to get my hands on unsuccesfully since January. I talked to the NCOs in charge of the PME stuff a couple weeks ago and asked them to look into why I haven't received the classes yet. It looks like my address is still wrong in the system, which it has been for a long time. Now that they added an option for me to change it myself, though, my leadership has already had a full load checked out for me and sent to the wrong address. So hopefully I can disenroll the ones sent to the wrong address (29 Palms) and reenroll with this address, or possibly just contact comm school and see if they've gotten them and can forward them. Now I've got a fire under my butt to get that stuff done, if it means I could realistically be meritoriously promoted. Also, I'm working on bettering my PT scores. I've talked to two different guys who are willing to PT with me on a more regular basis so we can all stay in shape and improve our PFT scores. That will help a great deal for promotion.

That's it, gotta go!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


thanks for the call; it was great talking with you. i think you'll begin to experience a sense of enrichment and greatness in your life now that you have mastered the ancient art of magic eye. ;)

August 11, 2006 5:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


That is exciting news! It doesn't surprise me, though, and it shouldn't surprise you. You can pack a lot of heat when you put your mind to it.

Hopefully, having a few slack days will help to refresh your mind and spirit. It's awfully hard to stay motivated and dedicated when the tasks never seem to end, but just keep in mind the importance of the mission.

I was at Tri-County the other day and had the opportunity to chat with the members of the Illinois State Police swat team for the northern Districts. They are all terrific guys, and have a lot of talent, as you can imagine. It turned out that one of the members is a former Marine Captain, and he was very much interested in your story. He served with 5/14 in the 1st Gulf war, and asked me to send his best wishes along to you. He thinks you are on the right track, and will have a bright future if you wish to pursue it.

Stay safe, and try to buck up! I don't think there is anything over there that you can't overcome if you choose to!



August 11, 2006 7:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Roger.

Please, don't get angry over people worrying about you. We are proud of you and know that serving your country as a Marine is something you've wanted to do for a long time. Too may people back here are apathetic or even oblivious to the fact that we are at war. A couple months ago, Teddy was asked to give part of the sermon on 'feeling the presence of the Holy Ghost during a time of hardship'. Someone at our church was bewildered and stated that nobody that young had gone through anything tramatic.Arrrrgh!

As the mother of an Iraq War veteran I cannot put on rosy-colored glasses and cease worrying about you or anyone else serving over there. But that's my problem, not yours. Accept the fact that a lot of us care about you and move on.

Sorry this comment is so long...shouldn't have had that second glass of wine.

August 13, 2006 2:42 PM  
Blogger Roger W. said...

I have a huge new post I've been trying to get up tonight but the site won't let me get to the new post option. And I've got a long mission coming up soon so it may be a few more days, which means probably more news. It's going to end up being an extremely long one, similar to the "Making up for lost time" post. Hopefully the next time I can make it to the MWR, the site will actually load. Hope all's well for everyone.

August 14, 2006 5:44 PM  
Blogger Roger W. said...

I forgot to mention that I'm having sort of an emergency in that I am dying to watch two movies that I don't have with me and nobody else seems to either. These movies are Saving Private Ryan and Schindler's List. If somebody could alleviate this problem for me I would be eternally indebted to you.

August 14, 2006 5:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I found the movies you requested and will be sending them to you post haste.


August 14, 2006 7:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,

Thanks for all of your comments along the way. All who read this seem to enjoy the thoughts of each of you and look forward to each of these comments almost as much as we look forward to Roger's entries. Here's a little "heads up", for what it's worth at this point of the unknown, but we're hoping to have a welcome home party for Rog when he gets back. Of course, at this point, we can't plan much of anything concrete, but would like all friends and family to join us. Roger has requested kegs to be involved, as things have been very dry for all of them, so we plan to toast his safe return.

Keep up the comments, and thanks to all of you for being great friends!

August 22, 2006 6:37 AM  
Blogger Roger W. said...

The login thing is still not working, plus I lost my thumb drive so it's going to be awhile before I can write another worthwhile post.

I'm on guard duty again this week, after like six weeks of hoping for it. I've got the best post at the best time (the desk in the common area of our barracks, about ten feet from my room, 8-12 a.m./p.m.), so I'm all set up. It's been a very relaxing week so far and I have been fully exploiting my time by reading The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand, which I'm about halfway through already, and watching movies. Last night I watched Citizen Kane again. I liked it better this time than the first time I watched it. Also, I've been playing some Sudoku, which I can't get out of my head.

My buddy Doc Schmutz, who's from Shelbyville, TX, apparently has family from Peoria who he visits for several days around Christmas every year, so he said he's going to give me a call and we can meet up and do some drinking (he just turned 21).

August 22, 2006 4:31 PM  
Blogger Roger W. said...

Sorry, my time ran out so I just posted what I had.

Anyways, I figured Doc Schmutz and I could hang out for a couple days around Christmas down in Peoria, because he's a heck of a great guy. Also, I've been giving a lot of thought to where I want to go for the Marine Corps Ball. Bravo's is in Joliet on the 18th and Hotel's is in Richmond, VA, also on the 18th, so I can't very well go to both. Given that I'm spending most of my time with Hotel and that the guys that matter from Bravo are doing a sort of college-hopping tour with me anyways when we get back, I'm thinking of flying out to Richmond around then and going to their ball. So I'm closing in on a decision, but the point is that now they're actually asking for a decision. My comm chief, Sgt. Robinson, apparently wants all us comm bubbas there pretty badly, and I've got a number of these guys twisting my arm about it, so I'll probably try and work that out if I can. Also, if I can get some orders whipped up I could potentially have the trip partially paid for, which wouldn't be too difficult.

Not much else new, but I'll keep y'all posted. Best wishes.

August 22, 2006 4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

its bill g

dude sudoku is the most addicting thing ever! i have one book on my desk at work and two of them at home.
there was a point where i was doing like 20 sudokus a day.

im down to maybe 3 a week now.

forgive me if i am wrong but you are still in fallujah right?
i just heard on the radio that a pastor will be in fallujah giving away free lattes and such. make sure you get yourself one


August 24, 2006 3:26 PM  

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