Friday, September 29, 2006


Our replacements are here. They're an active duty unit out of Pendleton, and they seem like pretty decent guys. Their average age is a bit lower than ours and their platoons are significantly lower ranking than ours, meaning that we have a captain platoon commander, a gunny, two staff sergeants, something like fifteen sergeants and five corporals, and they only have a first lieutenant platoon commander, two or three sergeants and a handful of corporals. That's the way active duty is, though. Anyways, they're here, we're training them up and soon we'll be back in Cali.

I got taken off duty and put back on the trucks the other day because one of the guys had a concussion. In superstitious paranoia, I got myself ready and did a lot of praying because I figure that would be prime voodoo time for me to get blown up, after I was already thinking I was off missions. Well, I went over there to prepare for the mission and it turns out I got kicked off my truck so that some of our replacements could ride along and learn the ropes. So, my superstitions were qualmed.

A couple days ago I made a big leap in planning out the story I've been "writing" for the past two years. Basically I had no idea what kind of background I could give the main character that wouldn't be extremely cliche, but two nights ago I was in the zone and just randomly started thinking about it and figured it out. So that's swell. I'm still a long ways from actually putting much down on paper, but I do have a full sixteen pages of ideas in my notebook.

That's all, have fun. See you all soon!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


That's what I was talking about in that other post when I said to stay on your toes and keep your wits about you. There's no need to be superstitious; as General Lo Armistead said, "There's no safe place here; one spot's as good as the next." You know that a lot better than I do, I'm sure. Continue to do your duty the in the best way you know how! Leave the worrying for someone else.



September 29, 2006 1:24 PM  
Blogger Roger W. said...

Our boy Lothario knew what he was saying. It brings to mind an entertaining story regarding chow a couple weeks ago that I'll have to share with you when I return.

September 29, 2006 3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice to know someone else is as supersitious as I am! It's wonderful to know that your ideas are flowing for the story. Your talent is clear. I am sure one day we'll be reading your published material in some form or fashion. See you soon,

September 30, 2006 7:32 AM  

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