Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Here's a guilt trip for you:
Too many countries' peoples can't vote or have to endure too great of dangers for us to not appreciate and take advantage of our ability to vote, so please be sure you get out there today and vote.

Pictures are still forthcoming, I swear. I'm still trying to get with my friend Karnolt so I can put up some of his pictures, since he's got many more and better pictures than I have.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sarah and I both voted today. Election workers in Palmyra township told me they had 180 people vote before me. I voted about 11:30. That seems like a pretty high number for our township, so I think the turnout will be high for an off-year election. Hopefully people are motivated to throw Rod Blago out of office. Nationally, don't believe the exit polls. We'll just have to wait and see.


November 07, 2006 5:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roger (and dade),

Unfortunately, it looks like we didn't get rid of that dumbass Blagojevich. Evidently, a few too many people were enamored with his open road screwing. I did my part to try, though. I'm sure you did as well.

I was wondering if you were actually going to put up pictures or if the last post was just an attempt to keep people checking your site. I for one am looking forward to seeing more.

I hope all is well. Take care!

November 08, 2006 6:48 AM  

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